Spiritual Side (Political Moments)
1.) Does the Bible talk about politics?
2.) Was government God's idea?
3.) Did God mandate government to educate our children?
4.) Is it a sin to send our children to public schools?
5.) What about separation of church and state?
6.) Family, Education & Politics
7.) Raising children and the effect on government
8.) Does God hold Christians accountable?
9.) Is voting something God wants us to do?
10.) What mistakes do Christians make when voting?
11.) What happens when Christians vote for an anti-Christian agenda?
12.) Does the Bible teach capitalism?
13.) Where does socialism fit in?
14.) Does the Bible instruct America on how to govern?
15.) What does God have to say to our nation about debt?
16.) What was God's expectation of political leaders?
17.) Why does God allow ungodly people in politics?
18.) Are government entitlements part of God's plan?
19.) Why did God not want the government providing healthcare ?
20.) Did God mandate government to provide any entitlements?
21.) How does God feel about Social Security?
22.) Where does the Bible grant government authority?
23.) Does the Bible tell us why there is so much division in politics?
24.) Can we know if a politician is serving or controlling the people?
25.) How does the sin of our political leaders effect us?
26.) Does the sin of the people affect a nation?
27.) Does our treatment of Israel affect the prosperity of America?
28.) Where does God stand on walls for national protection?
29.) Why did God want the government to reward those that do good?
30.) What drives politicians to desire power over people?
31.) Will evil win in the end?
32.) Does the Bible address the issue of false prosecution?
33.) Does the Bible address a political party promoting the ungodly?
34.) Where in the Bible do we see the beginning of government?
35.) Does God want us to have a self-governing system?
36.) What does the Bible say about redistributing wealth?
37.) What message should our govenment learn from the Bible?
38.) What damage is done through government handouts?
39.) Do the instructions God gave to Israel apply to America?
40.) Can we learn anything from the Bible concerning climate change?
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